Wednesday, March 12, 2025 | 5:04 pm

Dhaka stock exchange Turnover increases in second week

The Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) elongated its profits for the second consecutive week, which is driven by positive steps in the shares of banks, pharmaceuticals, chemical companies, and financial institutions.

On Thursday, which is the last brokerage day of the week, the benchmark DSEX index rose 66.28 points, or 1.30 percent, to close at 5,179.18.

However, the daily turnover surged 25.84 percent from the last week to Tk 426.59 crore as investor participation evolved, according to data from DSE.

Shanta Securities said in the weekly market review the market capitalization of the food and associated general indemnity and tannery industries declined.

On Thursday, the DS30, which symbolizes blue-chip stocks, rose 0.48 percent to 1,912.9. Growing 1.22 percent to 1,147.8 points, which is a posted gain by the Shariah-based DSES.

Beach Hatchery outranked the list with an 8.93 percent increase, which is pursued by Grameenphone (0.72 percent) and City Bank (0.00 percent) that called in terms of turnover.

When Renwick Jajneswar & Co. faced the biggest loss, descending 17.49 percent to Tk 550, Energypac Power Generation was the week’s top performer, soaring 59.12 percent to Tk 21.8 per share.

Though the jute industry saw the perpendicular decline of 3.14 percent, the services and real estate sectors published the highest profit of 6.86 percent.

Source: The Daily Star

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