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How Beneficial is Cow’s Milk for Cats?

Your cat waits for you to pour milk over breakfast every morning, hoping you might spill a drop or two. It is a common misconception that cats should be given milk regularly as a treat. The question of if cats can drink milk arises because it is noticeable that many cats find the flavour of milk to be highly appealing. Will your cat get sick from drinking milk? Can cats drink milk, or do they have lactose intolerance? To find out more about milk for cats, continue reading.

Is cow’s milk beneficial for cats, and to what extent?

No! Most cats are lactose intolerant, and consuming dairy products can lead to diarrhoea and vomiting. There are some specially designed cat milk options available, which are more suitable and contain reduced lactose. However, these should only be fed in moderation cow’s milk is not beneficial for cats and can be detrimental to their health.

We first have to understand the nutritional value of cow’s milk. Lactose is one of the primary ingredients in cow’s milk. Up to 6 grammes of lactose per day can be tolerated or digested by cats. However, the lactose content of 250 millilitres of milk is about 12 to 15 grammes, which is double their tolerance limit. The primary issue is located here. Furthermore, because their systems generate less of the enzyme required to digest lactose as they age, adult cats are unable to even handle even 6 grammes of lactose. They are thus unable to tolerate lactose. Cow’s milk can have detrimental consequences in certain situations. With that in mind, you should never give a kitten anything but cat milk.

What effects can occur if a cat is fed cow’s milk?

Lactose intolerance- most cats are lactose intolerant, meaning they lose the enzyme needed to break down milk as they mature. Consuming milk can cause gastrointestinal upset, including:




Abdominal pain

However, not every cat has lactose intolerance. Can cats drink milk, then? Still, the reply is no. Many cats—possibly the majority—are at risk for obesity, and cow’s milk contains a significant amount of fat. Regularly letting cats drink milk just adds sugars and fats to their diet, throwing it out of balance and increasing the probability that Fluffy will gain weight.

Is Your Cat Lactose Intolerant?

If your kitty is showing signs of vomiting, diarrhea, and gas within about 12 hours of eating a milk product, they are most likely lactose intolerant.

The majority of cats recover from minor lactose intolerance in a couple of days. See a veterinarian, however, if your cat has been feeling ill for more than 24 hours, is vomiting so much that they are unable to drink, or is being extremely slow to move.

Kittens are only able to drink milk produced by female cats—not milk from any other species such as cows, sheep, or goats.

To provide your cat with everything they need, feed a complete and balanced cat food. With the potential exception of the odd “treat,” it is better to avoid milk and stick to the science-led diet in order to support the greatest possible health for your cat. Even special cat milk does not include all the nutrients that a high-quality complete and balanced cat food does.

What Can Cats Drink Instead of Milk?

Humans have so much variety in what we like to drink, but this isn’t the case with cats. Often prone to dehydration, cats benefit from lots of fresh water.

If you want to provide your kitty variety in what they drink, try offering water in different ways. For example, move water from a dripping faucet or water fountain in addition to their water bowl. If your cat likes cold water, add some ice to their bowl. Or, add several tablespoons of water to your cat’s canned food, making a soup of the meal.

Cats should only really drink one thing to stay hydrated – water. If you make the water appealing enough, it can be just as special as milk—but with a lot more health benefits.

Cats can be wonderful friends for humans, if there is some level of mutual understanding and acceptance between human and cat. So we should take proper care of them.

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